Chapter 2

Chapter 2

“Sal’en’tor!” Sal’en’tor opened his eyes. “Sal’en’tor rise! We have not time on our side. Fly we must away from here! I fear the enemy is not far behind.” Sal’en’tor woke up suddenly and rose to his feet.” Teacher stood in the doorway with another figure that wore the clothes of a Herald of the Queen. Sal’en’tor grabbed his blade that was straight and true, much like a long sword yet sharper. He put on his armor and walked quickly out the doorway. The hallway in which the military barracks were kept was quite restricting so their movement was somewhat restricted but as soon as they cleared the military sector of the tunnels, they were about to speedily move as they desired. The tunnels were carved with much masterwork. The main tunnels, in which the three companions were now traveling, were like huge walkways through the mantle. About an acre in width the tunnel could sustain heavy traffic. The main tunnel that led to the military barracks was empty. None went there that didn’t belong. Every so often the group of three would pass a lone traveler during their walk from the barracks to the Main Chamber. No words were said in greeting is it is the custom to speak only when necessary. Sal’en’tor walked beside his Teacher and the Herald.

The Herald was like most Heralds, handpicked of the school of communication. The best of the best and the quickest of the quickest were chosen to serve in the Queen’s Palace. This Herald looked sturdier than most Heralds that Sal’en’tor had seen. The Herald carried a small dagger on his belt, customary and more decoration then versatile, but effective nonetheless. They had been traveling about five hours with no mishaps when out of the darkness Sal’en’tor made out three figures. Unlike the rest of the passer-bys they had encountered, the unknown group moved to block their path. Sal’en’tor made out the Herald’s hushed whisper,

“Beware, our enemy may be at hand.” Teacher said nothing but looked onward, his hand on his sturdy stone axe, his orb-like eyes narrowed. A voice was heard from the group who was drawing near,

“Halt! Who travels on the road so late this night?” It was a gruff voice and one Sal’en’tor recognized well. It was his rival and competition during his training at the Military barracks, Va’nor’tos. Sal’en’tor could make out his features barely. High cheekbones and a scar that ran from head to neck, as well as a thick chest and a square jaw, Sal’en’tor was evenly matched. Va’nor’tos and two companions whom Sal’en’tor did not recognize stood blocking their way. Va’nor’tos said again, louder,

“Halt! Who travels so late at night?” Teacher raised his voice in reply,

“Have you misplaced the infinitesimal scrap of respect that I beat into you that Fornight Eve? Have you forgotten thou manners toward thy Teacher?” Instead of cowering like Va’nor’tos would have done in the past, he raised himself up and said,

“Spare me thou words, oh false guide! I know in whom thou serve. One who would bring destruction upon our very heads and condemn us into a black and pain filled tomb!”

Teacher’s eyes flared, “You speakest as if thou know of what blasphemy thou sayeth! You cry words that hold more meaning then your very life has in existence!”

Va’nor’tos snorted proudly, “Do you retreat yourself and attempt to lecture me? Has your arm grown too weak to hold its own ground. Thy words are twisted and vile; your lips hold many deceitful teachings!”

Sal’en’tor drew his sword and the hiss of steel filled the tunnel, “Thou wouldst dare insult the Teacher so? Your tongue hath uttered things that deserve death!”

With a bellow and a cry Va’nor’tos drew his own sword and shouted in defiance, “And wouldst thou attempt to teach me the error of mine ways, you insolent welpling! Would thou strive against your betters as though you were mine equal? Does the Queen so stupidly choose her soldier so? Does the Queen seek out any who would bow a knee to her in return for her hollow favors?”

This time it was the Herald who replied, “Your babbling tongue hast dug you a grave, young one. If thou so speak of your Queen as of such, thou deserve to die!”

Then, silently, without another word, as Al’kara’tos do when they fight, they draw their weapons and advance upon each other. Sal’en’tor at first strode toward Va’nor’tos but was quickly shouldered aside as Teacher pushed past him, his eyes burning like fire. Va’nor’tos’ insults had struck a chord with Teacher and now only Teacher would show him his error. As the combat joined, Sal’en’tor found himself facing one of Va’nor’tos’ companions. Both were armed with steel long swords and both seemed equal in combat. Teacher and Va’nor’tos struck the first blow. The ringing of metal upon metal soon echoed through the tunnel as, silently, they battled. Sal’en’tor swung first at his target, a clean thrust to the heart. This, of course, was parried as Sal’en’tor had predicted, so he spun to his left and swung low at his opponent’s legs. Instead of feeling the slicing motion as he had expected, his sword whooshed under his enemies legs, who had reacted beautifully and had jumped over the passing blade. Sal’en’tor barely dodged the downward chop and rolled clear of the second swing that passed over his head. Sal’en’tor regained his footing and glanced over to his companions to see how they were faring. Teacher was, without question, winning his bout which Va’nor’tos knew as well.

The Herald was thrusting and dodging with surprising ease as he faced his opponent armed with a thin rapier. Sal’en’tor jerked his head back just in time to bring his blade up above his head to block another vicious downward swipe. Sal’en’tor thrust his foe’s sword aside and once again thrust towards his heart. The other Al’kara’tos responded as he did before but he didn’t expect Sal’en’tor to pull back just before the point of impact, allowing his blocking blow to pass. Sal’en’tor drove with his legs as his blade plunged eagerly into his opponent’s heart. He fell without a sound, as all Al’kara’tos do. Sal’en’tor turned just in time to see the Herald drive his dagger deep into his opponent’s throat. With two down only Va’nor’tos remained. Desperation filled Va’nor’tos’ face as he knew he was beaten. Teacher flowed with a controlled rage as he disarmed his foe and spun in a complete circle to gain momentum as he decapitated Va’nor’tos. Va’nor’tos’ head hit the floor and rolled a few feet before stopping, face downward, blood emptying from his brain.